Just something I wanna say real quick: I know there are a lot of hip-hop heads in the CO where I’m livin right now. Maybe we aren’t getting the word out like we should, but I don’t think the turnout has been matching the level of fans that I know are out here. Now, I’ve never been one to criticize fans, cause I’m a fan myself, and not every little thing is going to be a packed-house sellout.
That being said, If there’s something we could do to make it worth your time, lemme know. Reply to this post, or hit me up by email at jblitz@jblitzmusic.com. Hell, if you’re at a show, come up to me afterwards and just tell me-I’m always looking for constructive criticism. There’s a lot of talent here, and folks are gonna be selling themselves short if they keep missing out on this. Dope music, good people, safe venues, etc. I’m telling you, come check it out; you won’t be disappointed.
Speaking of not being disappointed, check out some good friends of mine. Go see Bullhead*Ded, Milogic, and Kris harlow, rockin this Sat, June 12, with Sole and The Skyrider Band and Mantis Fist @ Thunder & Buttons on Colorado Blvd in downtown CO Springs. Lot of dope cats on this set; I know they’re gonna do work.
Aaannnd, Speaking of doin work, come catch Yours Truly, The Big Dog, the Black Superhero, The Rap Black Lightining, the Rap Luke Cage in the flesh, J. Blitz!!!!*crowd noise* Performing next Friday, June 18, at the Black Sheep in Co Springs along with the Godfather of Noyze himself, Razhel, as well as my boys Too Tone Taurus, Dj JS1 and Air Dubai. It’s gonna be ILL! For more info or tickets go here. If you miss it you’ll be sorry. No, seriously, cause if you’re not there, I’ll find you and push your face in the mud.
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